ESMINT is committed to providing high-quality education and training in all aspects of neurointerventions and offers a comprehensive portfolio of educational opportunities.

ESMINT’s Educational Cluster encompasses a comprehensive range of opportunities for education and training in neurointerventions. The curriculum includes:
- ECMINT: An intensive theoretical education in the full neurointerventional spectrum.
- EXMINT: In-depth theoretical education in neurointerventional ischaemic stroke treatment.
- Online Learning: Live interactive transmissions and educational resources.
- Fellowship: Fellowships and observerships at high-volume European centres, under the mentorship of an experienced ESMINT member.
- e-Fellowship: Virtual training and mentorship, alongside a theoretical educational programme.
- Skills Training: Intensive hands-on course with high faculty:student ratio.
- Examination: Diploma examinations to certify theoretical knowledge of ECMINT and EXMINT graduates, organised in consultation with EBNI, the European Board of Neurointervention..
Luca Valvassori, Education Cluster Head
ECMINT (European Course in Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy) is a series of residential theoretical training courses in partnership with the Oxford Neurovascular and Neuroradiology Research Unit (ONNRU), Oxford University, which ESMINT has organized since December 2014.
EXMINT is a condensed theoretical training which forms the basis for neurointerventional ischemic stroke treatment. EXMINT was established in 2018 to meet the needs of the growing number of physicians wanting to perform stroke treatment.
Online Learning Programme
ESMINT holds live webinars on endovascular therapies as part of its Online Learning Programme.
Jan-Hendrik Buhk, Chair, Online Learning
Fellowship Programmes
ESMINT offers a Fellowship and Observership Programme. There is also an e-Fellowship Programme provided by ESMINT.
Luca Valvassori, Chair, Fellowship/e-Fellowship
Skills Training
ESMINT’s Skills Training is a hand-on course. The first edition took place (ASC) 11-12 March 2024 at the Amsterdam Skills Center.
This Skills Training programme adds an important practical part to the ESMINT’s educational portfolio.
The tutors are experienced neuroinventionalists from the ESMINT faculty. The course is supported by the educational and engineering departments of several key industry partners, participants thus are able to gain experience with many different devices. Group size is kept to 3 or 4 participants, each one supervised by at least one tutor.
Jawid Madjidyar, Chair Skills Training
EDNI: The European Diploma in Neurointervention
ESMINT offers a theoretical qualification in neurointerventional therapy: the European Diploma in Neurointervention (EDNI).
EDSI: The European Diploma in Ischemic Stroke Intervention
ESMINT offers a theoretical qualification in stroke treatment: the European Diploma in Ischemic Stroke Intervention (EDSI).
Matthias Gawlitza, Chair, Examination
ESO-ESMINT-ESNR Stroke Winter School
The ESO-ESMINT-ESNR Stroke Winter School offers concentrated high-quality teaching sessions and courses on acute stroke management. The target audience consists of young stroke physicians and neuroradiologists with a major interest in cerebrovascular diseases.
ESO, ESMINT and ESNR endorse this winter course, the primary goal of which is to bring together young European young stroke physicians and neuroradiologists in order to enhance interdisciplinary management of patients with acute ischaemic stroke.
The secondary goal of the course is to offer “hands-on” sessions for interventional neuroradiologists and special teaching courses for stroke physicians.
The Stroke Winter School combines plenary sessions, discussions and technical training.