ECMINT 5.4 took place from 9 – 13 December, at St Anne’s College, Oxford. The topic of this final course of the 5th cycle was endovascular treatment of AVMs and fistulas. A total of 98 in-person and 55 virtual delegates participated in the course.
As ever, the scientific programme consisted in intensive days of lectures, small group tutorials and Q&A sessions, culminating in the end of course exam on the Friday morning.
We are profoundly grateful to all the faculty for taking the time to come and teach on this exceptional course. Special thanks to Shelley Renowden, former course director, who gave her last ECMINT lecture on the Tuesday – we will miss you Shelley! Congratulations also to the ‘junior faculty’ members – a new initiative whereby some recent graduates of ECMINT were invited back to give a a lecture / case presentation on the Friday morning.
In parallel with the scientific programme, ECMINT provides many opportunities for networking – the highlight being the course dinner, which took place in the Balliol College Hall on Wednesday evening.
Many thanks to course directors Phil White and Adam Rennie and course administrators Tarryn Ching and Anna Dzido of the Oxford University Nuffield Department of Surgery, for their hard work, as well as our stellar faculty and all the wonderful participants.
ECMINT (the “European Course in Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy) is ESMINT’s intensive theoretical training covering the whole spectrum of neurointerventions. It consists in 4 courses over 2 years. Participants based in Europe are strongly encouraged to participate in person, while in recent years the increasingly robust virtual offering has enabled participants from around the world to join.
All those who complete a full ECMINT cycle (and achieve satisfactory grades in the course quizzes) are eligible to sit the examinations leading to the European Diploma in Neurointervention (EDNI).