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Registration for the 2025 EDNI and EDSI examinations is now open




Eligible candidates are invited to apply to take the European Diploma in Neurointervention (EDNI) part 1and the European Diploma in Stroke Intervention (EDSI) examinations.


The EDNI is for ECMINT students who have completed one full cycle (four courses) and achieved an average mark of 60% or more in each of the final course tests, with no mark of less than 30% in any one test.

Part 1, the written examination, will be held on April 11th. Those who pass part 1 are eligible to register for Part 2, the oral examination, which will take place via Zoom on September 1st.

The fee to take the exam is €350 and the deadline for registration is 21st March 2025.



The EDSI is for EXMINT students who have completed one full cycle (two courses) and achieved an achieved an average pass mark of 60% or more in both EXMINT formal quizzes.

The fee to take the exam is €350 and the deadline for registration is 4th April 2025.


Examination format

Both examinations consist in 100 questions which must be answered within 3 hours. Each question has 4 – 5 sub-questions. The exams are offered virtually via the Orzone platform. Invigilation is by Orzone and ESMINT representatives, as well as by advanced remote examination proctoring software.

Candidates must download and install the examination software on the laptop or computer they will use in advance of the examination, and ensure their cameras are working. The complete examination rules are given to registered candidates and must be followed, with any breach of the rules resulting in disqualification from the exam, and potentially being barred from taking any ESMINT-EBNI exams in the future.


A diploma award ceremony is held at the ESMINT Congress in Marseille, and successful candidates are presented with their diplomas by executive committee members of ESMINT and EBNI. Diploma awardees are offered a heavily discounted Congress registration to facilitate their attendance at the Congress.