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Endorsement of clinical trials

One of ESMINT’s key roles is to encourage and support high-quality research in the field of minimally invasive neurological therapy.
To this end, we are introducing the opportunity for external parties to obtain ESMINT endorsement of their clinical trials.

Information about ESMINT endorsement of clinical trials

Submitted study protocols will undergo peer review assessment by experienced members of ESMINT using a structured approach. In April 2019 the Executive committee decided to apply the evidence-based recommendations for the minimum content of a clinical trial protocol outlined in the SPIRIT Statement for our structured review1+2.

ESMINT is a European organisation with over 700 members and we partner with neuro-scientific societies around the world. An endorsement by ESMINT constitutes a “seal of approval” by a leading scientific society in minimally invasive neurological therapy.

ESMINT endorsement and the ESMINT logo can be included in materials related to your study once the ESMINT endorsement has been granted.

Endorsed Study Logo

How to apply

If you want to apply for ESMINT endorsement please make sure that your study protocol includes the items requested in the SPIRIT 2013 Checklist3. Please send the study protocol accompanied by a short CV and a conflict of interest form from the principal investigator to the ESMINT Office: birgit.amend(at)

The review process will take approximately two weeks.

Prof. Dr. Christian Taschner
Chair of the New Product Implementation & Evaluation Committee of the ESMINT

Endorsed study protocols

International PERForator ANeurysm Registry (PERFAN)

09 February 2024

Coating to Optimize Aneurysm Treatment In The New Flow Diverter Generation (COATING)

20 July 2022

DISTAL – EnDovascular therapy plus best medical treatment (BMT) versus BMT alone for MedIum VeSsel Occlusion sTroke – a prAgmatic, international, multicentre, randomized triaL

13 July 2022

INSPIRE S Product Surveillance Registry for Mechanical Thrombectomy devices for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke

14 October 2021

INSPIRE trial on the Pipeline embolization device

20 May 2020

1 Chan AW, Tetzlaff JM, Altman DG, et al. SPIRIT 2013 statement: defining standard protocol items for clinical trials. Ann Intern Med. 2013;158:200-7. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-158-3-201302050-00583